Sunday, May 20, 2012

First canoe trip of the year!

Yes oh yes oh yes! Out we went this morning. It was windy so we didn't go too far - also I'm sadly out of shape - we didn't canoe at all last year...
It was so beautiful, so warm, so...perfect.

We saw gulls and great blue herons, Canada Geese, nesting ducks, a duck mama and her four tiny ducklings, many great schools of fish - that got all orderly as they saw the white belly of our canoe come over them.
I didn't go out in the canoe once last year and it makes everything worth while. We're off to an early and good start!


Jude said...

Thank you Jan - so glad you haven't abandoned the simple life! Great, soothing pics and wonderful experience, thanks for sharing.

Sue said...

Wonderful. I can almost smell the salt tang in the air and hear the call of the gulls.

It's turning cold here, so it'll be blustery walks along the beach for us.


Taos Sunflower said...

Wow...aren't you fortunate!

Liza said...

So glad you shared!