Yes it is our anniversary today. Of our first date. We went for a walk at the Dingle Park. Because, dear readers, we met on line! I tell people this because so many have bizarre concepts of 'on-line' dating. We met on line - we didn't date online. We dated in the real actual world of this and that. We weren't struck by a lightening bolt of love when we first met either. If someone had set us up or we'd met through a church social (thank you Ann Landers) we wouldn't have persevered because no big thing happened upon meeting. BUT because we were both online looking - we knew to keep going and see what happened.
I must say, this is a vastly superior form of dating than I had experienced in my life. Meeting online beats the heck out of meeting at a bar. In almost ten years of singlehood, not ONE friend had introduced me to someone that I then dated.
It is pretty expensive though. SP cost me ten American dollars and I want you to know he is worth every cent!
Despite all the foolishness I utter, I adore this guy! We were both fifty when we met and had both lived quite a bit. Each of us had two children by then - mine grown and gone, his young and present. We were both air-force brats, we liked similar music and had many of the same reference points. We both love messing about in boats and avoiding consumerism. We are both fanatic readers and love to cook. SP is much much quieter than I am but so far he seems to enjoy my outgoingness as I enjoy his introspection.
We have problems but they are more than halved when faced together.
I am so grateful that we both took a chance and found each other...and glad we did it Jean Baptiste Day, a holiday in Quebec!
I love makes me feel warm and happy for you)))...for you both. Happy Anniversary!!
I think this is fabulous! As a writer, I think there is so much more REAL sharing that goes on via writing, compared to face to face--yes, there still needs to be chemistry, but at least if you talk online for a while first, you KNOW you have some things in common.
It's funny, my husband swears people just lie on line, but while I'm sure those people are OUT THERE, but the things people would lie to say, are NOT things that would appeal to me anyway.
Congratulations on your anniversary! I think that online dating/meeting will eventually become normal enough for people to stop thinking about it as "untraditional" (or whatever less flattering version of that they call it). At least I hope so. In the end, what does it matter how someone meet when the result is mutual happiness?
Brenda - thank you! I feel pretty good myself...
Tartlette -I think what was important for both of us who had each done a bit of online dating before is that we knew that when we met in the flesh -that was our first meeting. A life of the mind is wonderful and we live in the relative world with our bodies etc...the players on the online dating sites are pretty easy to pick out and for the most part aren't looking for 50 year olds! Or not this one anyway...
CC - I agree and it is more and more accepted. People seem to think it is riskier but I can't imagine why. I suppose if you're a dope and you agree to meet someone in a darkened alley with all your money and when no one knows where you are - oh, just fell into a narrative dream - I must be a writer!
"No, no, you don't smell like fish, the fish smell like you!" The meaning shall remain cryptic so that no SP's are exposed in the making of this message. But this is just to say that I've liked your SP ever since he uttered that immortal sentiment and I continue to like him because he continues to get replenished thumbs-up from I guess that means he'd be nothing without you!...if my squirrelly accounting were followed through to its logical conclusion. But really, he's a superlative being in my view. Happy anniversary my love. C.
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