Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday, lazy Sunday....ha!

I did stay in bed a bit longer today. I'm reading Sybille Bedford's first novel (1952) Legacy and, as it is from the library through a friend, I need to finish it. That is a joy not a burden...Today, SP brought me a second cup of coffee in bed so I got to read and read and then do what I've been doing for the last two weeks - jump out of bed with half a cup of coffee left and do my meditation practice. I cannot adequately express what this little refinement (taking a cup of coffee to my cushion) has done for my practice.  My friend, Annie, told me she started taking her morning cup of tea to the cushion and voila!

Last night the sweet patootie and I went to a friend's birthday/retirement party. It was loads of fun, even though, because of the dang weather, we had to have an indoor picnic instead of an outdoor barbeque. We did spend the early part of the evening outside and it was most pleasant if not warm. I saw some folks that I hadn't seen in awhile and met a couple of new people that I quite liked. I drank a bit too much wine and so that might have led me to stay abed a bit later too.

And today? What's on the list of fun activities, you ask. I'll give you a sample of my possible to-do list, with the caveat that I have already begun so I can check off some of it.

  • write for an hour or two
  • tidy up desk
  • email back some folks re:biz stuff
  • phone my boys
  • sort my knitting projects
  • finish my second sock in my second pair thus avoiding the curse of the new sock knitter!
  • start (again) my lace project
  • tidy up the living room - dust and newspapers mainly
  • hang up the laundry that I just washed, downstairs as, of course, il pleut - the SP did this, I took his bread out and started dinner
  • clean at least one bathroom
  • think about dinner - oh don't have to - since I wrote this, SP took out a pork roast and started bread - man, oh man, I don't even have to let him know...

    small pile of thousands...
  • attack dandelions - begun, not nearly finished
  • walk Hoagy
  • plant iris tubers that Gwen gave me in the fall and I mindlessly left in the driveway but they grew despite my neglect!
  • clean out chicken coop - done! (and I found a garbage bag of euuuuuh...feathers and gizzards - made the man deal with that)
  • turn over garden beds in vegie garden
  • weed strawberry plants
  • plant transplants (vegie - tomatoes, cabbage, basil)
  • plant seeds (lettuce of various sorts, beans, beets and maybe someother older seeds???) believe me when I tell you the vegie garden is going to be very haphazard this year.
  • clean up flower beds
Lazy Sunday things:
  • finish Bedford book while lying on the couch
  • photograph chicks at beginning of second week of their chickhoods.
  • call girlfriends to chat mindlessly
  • the littlest one that step-dot calls  'The Hammer'
  • blog and visit blogs and look at yet more lace patterns - begun but not ever finished!
  • lie around talking to SP while he attempts paper work talking about what needs to be done!
  • eat leasurely sunday dinner and watch something goofy on the tv.
And now, before signing off on this, I will take my camera around to show you what's not up around here! Before it rains...
And now I'm back! That wasn't so bad, was it? And I will now liberally sprinkle this post with photos as they apply. and then I think - a little reading on the couch will be in order.

some time later....just thought I'd go through and cross out what I did. Hmmmm. Did pick up the lad and bring back library books but that wasn't on list. Ahem. Well, think I'll go hang up those clothes now, the rest can wait until tomorrow. (I have a totally free day tomorrow - no kids, no guy, no clients.)


ShanLeigh said...

I love the nickname "sweet patoutie". Sounds like a wonderful day you have planned.

Liza said...

I like the sound of this day. The chicks are so cute.

Karen Jones Gowen said...

What a nice relaxing yet productive day, it sounds so enjoyable!

Anonymous said...

nice to see how the chicks are doing,

and your list is very comprehensive..

Busy Sunday.