Sunday, June 19, 2011


Stretch takes a peek...

a lovely golden wyandotte!

and a short trip outside even though it s a bit rainy...
Today the chicks made a big leap - small step for chickens, small step for chicken-kind! We decided it was time for them to go to the coop. Most of them are feathered out - just one or two that haven't quite gotten there. We think they range in age by as much or more than a week or two. We installed their light so they can still be warm but they have lots more space and they can forage in the run easily enough for a few hours a day until the weather warms or they are fully feathered. They seem to like their new digs and of course I recorded it like any proud parent.


Liza said...


Ella said...

They are so sweet looking; I will be checking in on you and the chicks ;D

Anonymous said...

I check in every few weeks to see how the chucks are doing - takes me back to the farm days
Cousin Keith