Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fresh Start

Hi all! September and everyone is back to school or back to work or putting up their harvest or...
I have that feeling - that clean notebook feeling so I'm capitalizing on it. Here are my

Fresh Start Intentions!

1. Meditate for half hour a day.
2. Walk, swim or exercise five days a week.
3. Write five days a week (check Crazy Jane for elaboration on this).
4. Take my vitamins, floss my teeth and eat what is good for me.
5. Clean up my paperwork - spend an hour a day on this until done.
6. Begin some networking through Women in Business for both my therapy practice and my educational writing consulting business.
7. Learn to put something by - pickles, jams or jellies. Start with ONE.
8. Take dancing lessons with Sweet Patootie (yes - he wants to do this!)
9. Watch the pennies more carefully.
and most importantly -
10. Remember that I chose this life and be cheerful with it!
me, brother Don and sister Jude contemplating the vast wondrousness of it all!


Karen Jones Gowen said...

What a great list. Can I copy it?

Hart Johnson said...

Excellent plans, Jan! I hope you manage ALL of them! (LOVE that picture!)

Gardeningbren said...

What a great list...will try to do some of the same as well! Heh, did you notice what's on the table in the photo...BULBS!!

Jan Morrison said...

Karen - of course you can but do you think it'll work for you to come all the way up here and walk my dog?!
Tartlette- did you see my very clever little gadget on the side bar where I have to enter whether I met my goals OR NOT every day. I actually couldn't find what I was after and had to invent it.

Brenda - ha, ha! No, I didn't even pay attention to it. Someone must have given them to my mom - she was not in favour of houseplants feeling she had enough responsibilities to feel guilty about...

Gardeningbren said...

and...did you notice the real "proper leather shoes" to make our feet perfect...I expect yours are as "perfect" as mine..)))

Mason Canyon said...

This is a great list that we all could do better by following.

Thoughts in Progress

Jan Morrison said...

Brenda - having had another look - I don't believe this is our house (I'm an airforce brat so excuse me for not recognizing one house!) What gives it away besides the unlikely bulbs is the glass coffee table and the WRONG ashtrays. Ha ha! Yep to the shoes. We would have our feet x-rayed a zillion times in the shop - my mom had terrible feet and were fixated on us having buster brown's! What a weird memory...

Mason - thanks deario - my usual rant to clients is to pick 3 things that would better their life and health and make sure to do 2 of them before going to bed. My 3 are walk, write, and sit(meditate). But this is me trying to really get going...after an indolent summer.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

All that? You must be acquiring some extra hours I don't know about.

Jan Morrison said...

oh you naysayers! So it's impossible? The point is to make yourself feel guilty online so that a third of it gets done for a month or so... I will now fill out my gadget to the right...